As a part of the comprehensive program implementation of the territory “The Land for Life” development, the festive welcome ceremony...
As a part of the comprehensive program implementation of the territory “The Land for Life” development, the festive welcome ceremony...
On September 7, the opening of a memorial plaque dedicated to the founder of the first industrial facility in Ateptsevo...
Veterans of labor, representatives of workers dynasties, winners of the workers’ competition, and the managers of Elinar group of companies...
The head of the Union Committee N. Abramova: “The Union of our company is a member of all-Russian organization “ElectroUnion”,...
The sport center hall, turned into the comfortable and hospitable place, was full. The labor veterans, the Holding honorary employees,...
На стенде группы компаний «Элинар» посетителям будут представлены материалы для производства негорючих кабелей огнестойкого исполнения, пленка полиэтилентерефталатная, нити стеклянные крученые комплексные, электроизоляционные лаки, материалы для производства обмоточных проводов и кабелей связи, материалы специального назначения.
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