Forum “Ecology is our priority!”

Forum “Ecology is our priority!”

The EcoForum “Ecology is our priority! “was held on the basis of Zodiac sports center. The purpose of the EcoForum is an advance of ecological consciousness, the formation of ecological culture among the population, increase environmental safety, involve citizens in solving actual and strategic eco – tasks. The forum was moderated by the head of Ateptsevo territorial administration of Naro-Fominsk urban district, I. Voloshina.

Elinar employees also presented their reports among the speakers at the forum:

  • Voronov, a coordinator of the environmental movement “Alive Earth”, director of “Elinar”, JSC made a report “Taking care of the earth”;
  • Krasilnikova, a coordinator of the environmental movement “Alive River”, the deputy of the Council of Deputies of the Naro-Fominsk urban district, the head of the quality control department of Elinar-Broiler Poultry Farm, LLC made a presentation on the work done on the topic ” Let’s save the river – let’s save life!”.
  • The forum was attended by the following honorary guests
  • Baranov, Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma;
  • Rozhnov, Deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma;
  • Maydanov, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;
  • Mikhailov, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Naro-Fominsk urban district;
  • Abramova, Executive Secretary of the Public Chamber of Naro-Fominsk urban district, Head of HR and PR department of Elinar Holding Company, JSC.

Among the participants of the forum, in addition to residents of Ateptsevo village and employees of Elinar group of companies, there were representatives of the Young Guard branch, members of the Youth Parliament, deputies of the Council of Deputies of Naro-Fominsk urban district, members of the Public Chamber of Naro-Fominsk urban district, representatives of public organizations and the media.

The forum was held in a lively and at the same time working and interesting atmosphere. The questions that arose during the forum were prepared by the participants in writing and passed to the moderator. Holding such events undoubtedly entails a lot of positive results. In the comments provided by the honorary guests of the forum, there were a lot of positive reviews for each report. Deputy of Moscow Regional Duma A. Baranov reported that he, as part of the working group, is preparing a proposal to the law on increasing fines and toughening penalties for persons who make unauthorized garbage dumps, which today are covered by scanty, unsubstantiated and incommensurable with environmental damage fines. And the deputy of Moscow Regional Duma O. Rozhnov called Ateptsevo the ecological center of Naro-Fominsk urban district, which is very rewarding! Deputy Head of the administration of Naro-Fominsk urban district A. Mikhailov answered all the questions received from the audience and summed up the results of the forum.

The event is over, but the participants continued vivid discussion in the lobby of Zodiac sports center for a long time. Many issues still need to be discussed, and holding such forums allows to solve many actual problems.