The dangerous cow parsnip started to occupy our native land even in the Soviet Union times. At the moment, it covers 91 hectares only of Elinar lands, whilst in Naro-Fominsk urban district this figure is much more. In Moscow region, it affected more than 16.000 hectares. After its growing as a feed crop was ceased, it was spread out of croplands borders due to its high vital capacity. This plant poses threat to human health and does harm to the environment therefore the topic of the struggle against it is very actual for Moscow region. It would take many years to clean the areas from cow parsnip eliminating it by chemicals and mechanically.
According to the resolution of Andrey Vorobiev, the Governor of Moscow region, cow parsnip struggle programme was developed yet in 2017 and since April 2018 it has been implemented. 298,1 mln rubles were subsidized from the regional budget for these actions.
Following this Governor’s resolution people of Elinar group of companies took measures for cow parsnip extermination by herbicides since end of April till end of June 2018. Such actions allow to reduce areas contaminated with its roots and prevent its spread to the new territories. The used agent is absolutely safe for humans and animals.
The affected areas that are very close to the villages were sprayed by efforts of Elinar employees and for our company’s cost. It is possible to eliminate this dangerous plant only uniting the efforts. Local authorities fight on the territories of the settlements, Ministry of Transport –along the roads, Ministry of Property Relations-on the lands, owned by Moscow region and municipal settlements, Forestry Committee –on the forest fund lands, Power Ministry-on the land under high voltage lines and along the gas pipelines.
Comprehensive and systematic work on the fight against cow parsnip will give good results, clean the affected areas from this weed and help to stop its further spread on our lands.