Friendly visit of the Chinese delegation

Friendly visit of the Chinese delegation

“Elinar –Broiler” poultry farm has been visited by the delegation from China, which included representatives of the leading public catering enterprises of China, President of the Association of restaurateurs and chefs of Harbin city, Secretary General of the Union of restaurants of China, General Director of the international travel Agency, General Director of the food department “KE KOUSYAN” and other guests.

The purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the production of the poultry farm and the finished products line of the brand “First Freshness”. During the visit the excursion to the broilers growing and zoo-technical laboratory of “Elinar-Broiler” poultry farm was carried out. The managers of the poultry farm made a presentation for the guests devoted to the features of laboratory quality control of produced feed mixtures for broiler chickens.

During the friendly dinner, the representatives of the delegation highly appreciated the taste of poultry products and noted that they do not have such delicious products from poultry meat in China.