Study to separate garbage

Study to separate garbage

As from January 1, 2019, the new regulations of wastes handling will come into effect. For the purpose of presentation of the information about the rules of the separate collecting of the secondary raw materials to the inhabitants, the specialists of Personnel Management Department and PR Department of “Elinar” holding company together with “Elinar-Zhilservice” management company and the administration of Ateptsevo village held the training session among the population. On the meeting, in a format of the vigorous debate, the inhabitants learnt about the latest legislation updates as well as they got the answers on all of the questions concerning the new regulations of wastes handling.

The active work is conducted on implementation of the separate collecting of garbage on all of the production and office facilities of the plants of “Elinar” group of companies. The special places for the separate collecting are arranged, the training meeting and seminars for the employees are held.

The foregoer in the secondary raw materials handling for all of the “Elinar” employees is “Elinar-Plast” plant where the separate collecting of garbage brings the additional income for several years.

To sort the secondary raw materials is rationally, correctly and, most importantly, simply.