Elinar employees received their well-deserved awards at the celebration. Thus, for her years-long dedicated work, high professionalism and active effort aimed at improvement of conditions and safety of labor, O.E. Zuyeva, Head of Occupational and Ecological Safety Department of OAO Elinar HC, was awarded a Letter of Appreciation from the Moscow Regional Duma and a Certificate of Merit from the Labor and Occupation Committee of Moscow Region. For achievement of high results in her working activities, E.V. Turkova, Head of Zootechnical Laboratory of the Quality Department of ZAO Elinar-Broiler, was awarded a Certificate of Merit of the Moscow Regional Duma. The following entities were awarded Certificates of Merit of the Administration of the Naro-Fominsk Municipal District for taking the first place at a competition comparing occupational conditions and safety in Naro-Fominsk Municipal District businesses: Elinar Electrical Insulation Materials Plant in the nomination “Best organization of occupational safety among chemical production businesses”; ZAO Elinar Broiler – in the nomination “Best organization of occupational safety among food production businesses”; ZAO Elinar – in the nomination “Best organization of occupational safety among agricultural and processing businesses”.
“Elinar” employees received their well-deserved awards at “Labor Day” celebration