On April 18-19 the technician and commercial representatives of «Mitsubishi Electric Corporation» («MELCO» in short), which is one of the subdivisions of Japanese multinational «Mitsubishi» company, visited ZEIM “Elinar”. “MELCO” focuses on turbo- and hydrogenerators and large electrical machines production, including the turbogenerators with capacity of 1700 MVA for the nuclear power stations. “MELCO” consists the subdivision of VPI mica tapes production and the mica papers are used for it, which are bought from “Cogebi”, too. After mica papers production transfer from Lot to Ateptsevo, the Japanese partners will receive the paper produced on the Russian site. Therefore the aim of “MELCO” specialists visit to our plant in Ateptsevo was the insight into the mica papers production and agreement on the necessary technical documentation. “MELCO” representatives took a favourable view on the production capacities of the Russian site and noticed the big potential for the establishment and successful development of our companies partnership relations.