Agricultural industry

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Agricultural activity includes poultry industry, livestock breeding and plant growing. The stud farm on the breeding of black and white cows.

бройлерIt is the fully-integrated poultry complex. The company has got its own parent flock area, broilers production, feed room and broilers processing room. The production sites are situated in Naro-Fominsk, Chekhov and Noginsk districts of Moscow region. “First Fresh” trademark. The products assortment is presented on the market of Moscow and Moscow region by the chicken meat and semi-products, made of the cool broilers meat. In total, more than 100 items are produced.

коровыIt specializes in production of milk and meat of cattle, feed for the own production and crops for “Elinar-Broiler” poultry farm. The stud farm on the breeding of black and white cows. The prospective development of beef cattle production – growing of very rare in Russia, but especially productive breed of cows in the beef cattle production – “Belgian Blue”.

производство подложкиThe production of the packaging (trays) made of expanded polystyrene, which meet all international quality standards and modern requirements for the package materials in the meat-processing industry. More than 80% of “Elinar-Broiler” poultry farm products are packed in the trays of own production. The extensive experience of poultry meat products manufacturing and packaging allows to take into account the all requirements for the tray quality and design on the stage of equipment and matrix development. The stock reserve is more than 5 000 000 pcs. The product is certified and meets GOST requirements.

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